04 October 2011

we say we aren't competitive...

But on a recent trip to Denver to meet the wonderful, beautiful Diego (of whom I took no pictures. which is sad and lame), Courtney and I engaged in a little lawn mowing competition. We raced to see who could get their half done the fastest and I'd say the videos are better than any description I could offer...

I had so much fun with Courtney and Ashley (and Crosby, Griffin and Diego) and I was rilly sad to leave them, because they're wonderful and fun and the bestest.


  1. Aw, it looks like you had a great time!

  2. That looks like more fun than I ever had mowing grass. I must say I'm glad I live in an apartment and don't have to deal with that here.

  3. only the bibers would have a lawn mowing race using push lawn mowers...oh how i love you all.

  4. ahhhhhhh! i miss you guys already! you are the best!!!
    ps. i love how your hair is flowing in the first pic. love it.

  5. Haha. That's awesome! If only my family had had two lawn mowers, it wouldn't have taken so long.

  6. I get like that too-- totally noncompetitive about things most people care about (ex: sports) but crazy competitive about things no one cares about (how fast I read Harry Potter).

  7. Hahahah so funny! Who knew you can make a competition of lawn mowing!


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