05 March 2013

a springtime celebration!

There are about five gajillion things to love about spring, but one of the very best parts is that there is always so much to do. People are out and about, planning things, celebrating events that only kind of necessitate celebrating.
It's like my dream come true.
And although this weekend was freezing in Atlanta, it's March. So we're calling it spring. That's right! We survived winter! And if I didn't already have things to celebrate this weekend, I would have thrown a party for that reason alone.
But instead, we celebrated two lovely events.
First, Stacie and Rusty's engagement. We went to Taverna Plaka, which is less of a dinner and more of an experience. There are belly dancers, salsa lessons, a conga line, napkins being thrown. They put Stacie and Rusty on the table so we could all sing to them.  It was anything but standard. And we loved it!
Yaay for Stacie and Rusty!
Saturday night was Katie G's birthday party. As my longest Atlanta friend (and first roommate here!), this girl deserves to be celebrated. So celebrate we did!
Other than that, the weekend included a Chai latte at Inman Perk to warm up (brr brr brr!), dinner at Yeah Burger with Miss Melly, and lots of bundle up walks around town. Ain't nothing going to keep me inside now that it's spring. Not even silly winter's prickly weathertude.
I hope your first spring weekend was fun and celebratory!


  1. Now that's how you celebrate an engagement! That salsa dancing sounds like fun!!!


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