29 January 2014

hip hap wednesday // with a free workout code

Happy Wednesday my friends. Here's what's making me want to high five all around the town:

1. Tomorrow I head to Virginia for sweet Lily's seventh birthday. I don't know when this happened, because it feels like just yesterday that she was here:

and now she's here:

How did it happen? 

2. I love a good workout class (obviously.) but must admit that sometimes, I just want to get in a quick workout at home. Sans fighting traffic. And sans spending money. I read about Booya Fitness on Pumps & Iron last week and was immediately hooked. Booya allows you to stream workout videos from the industry's most challenging boutique gyms and instructors. They have yoga, cardio, strength & toning, bootcamp, quiet workouts for those early mornings and more. It's $9.99 a month, but you can try it free for a month with promo code: 


A month of free workouts! That's a way to feel good on Wednesday! I love that the site tracks how many workouts you've done. It's so fun to see. I'm pumped to try it this weekend with Courtney.

FYI: You will be asked for billing but won't be charged for the first month.

3. This video is money. Let's get happy.

4. This weekend is February, which means we are touching the month that brings us spring. March! Yaay. 

5. I love this post about eating clean vs. eating junk food. Food is not good or bad. It's just food. 

6. And last but certainly not least, yesterday Ashley welcomed another sweet baby boy into her family! I love him already and cannot wait to meet him next week.

Happy day!


  1. Wow. Lily is 7?! And congrats to Ashley. He looks precious! Have fun this weekend, Whit!!

  2. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! can't wait for you to get here!!!!

  3. And...not to rush your Lily weekend--but can't wait for you to get here!!!!!!!


i'd loooove to hear from you! you make my day! <3