26 September 2014

five things i've loved this week

- Sleeping like a baby! Because (1) work has been nuts and (2) it's chilly at night and my room is the perfect temperature. 

- B. Happy peanut butter. I picked up a jar (OK six. But for friends, I promise!) when I was home in Indiana and am in love. People from my hometown make it, so I'm extra proud. The Happy Trails flavor is insane. 

- Visiting Chris' high school last weekend. We went for an event on Friday night and it was so fun. And, not to mention, Chattanooga is beautiful. 

- Fall clothes. I love everything about them this season. Especially, especially the kimonos. Amaze.

- This article. Nothing quite like kindness.

- That today is blessedly Friday. Holy moly what a week! Chris, Melly and I are heading to Clemson for the UNC game with his friends. I couldn't be more excited.

OK byeee Friday Friends! 

1 comment:

  1. That article is absolutely perfect! Happy fall!


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