11 September 2013

this life today...

Happiest of moments this week 
- Delayed packages. Nothing like the extendabirthday. 
- Grocery shopping for my newest fundraising endeavor: Snafrica! Selling snacks for Africa.
- Little activities along the way with Duke and Sam. Church and dinner Sunday. Froyo Monday. Groceries Tuesday. Having family here is changing everything. 

And little bit of business
- Did I tell you I moved? Kidding. Sort of. I moved my blog! Now at: www.sometimesalwaysneverblog.com.
PS a huge thanks to Designer Blogs for redirecting my old site for me! Amazing team.
- Oh, quitting dating. I'm somehow already noticing the impact of it on my life. I'm sort of in shock, but it's largely underprocessed. I've got to reflect. I'll get back to you on this one. 

What I'm looking forward to
- Using my free birthday drinks at Starbucks and Dunkin soon. Might be time to break into pumpkin. Maybe. 
- Going home next week. September just calls for time in Indiana. 
- Taking 700 Sharpies to Africa in a few weeks. Way better to stuff my bag with Sharpies rather than shoes, right? 

And what other people are saying right 
- For 20-somethings: funny post about the 10 things you start caring about after college 
- For healthy living lovers: great post about calorie counting, weight loss and restoring your metabolism.

Tell me, tell me. What are you loving/needing/looking forward to today? Happy halfway day!


  1. LOVING: that it is Wendesday (halfway over), bachelorette trip to the beach in a day and a half!, and my new blog design!!



i'd loooove to hear from you! you make my day! <3